Monday, February 28, 2022

Vulgarity and innuendo repel the Holy Ghost

 There are certain things you simply cannot do if you want to have the Holy Ghost with you. It is not possible to listen to vulgar lyrics, watch movies filled with sexual innuendo, tamper with pornography on the Internet (or anywhere else for that matter), take the name of the Lord in vain, wear revealing clothing, compromise in any way the law of chastity, or disregard the values of true manhood and womanhood and expect the Holy Ghost to remain with you. Whenever anyone participates in those kinds of activities, it should not be a surprise if feelings of loneliness, discouragement, and unworthiness follow. Do not make the choice to go it alone rather than have the Spirit of the Lord to guide, to protect, to prompt, to warn, and to fill you with peace. Repent if you need to so you can enjoy the companionship of the Spirit.

- M. Russell Ballard, "Here Am I, Send Me,"

Friday, February 11, 2022

Conflict is inevitable, contention is a choice

 "Conflict is inevitable. It is a condition of mortality. It is part of our test. Contention, however, is a choice. It is one way that some people choose to respond to conflict.

"When we contend with others, we cause discord, dissension, resentment, and even rage. Harmful emotions almost always accompany contention: anger, hurt, jealousy, hostility, revenge, and malice—to name just a few.


"We cannot adjust the volume on others’ bitterness, wrath, or rage. We can, however, choose our response. We can choose a better way—the Lord’s way. Of course this is easy to say and difficult to do.

"To refrain from contending requires great discipline. But that’s what it means to be a disciple.


"We cannot force anyone to change. But we can love them. We can be an example of what the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is all about. And we can invite all to come and belong.

"When others throw insults at us, do we return fire?

"There is a better way—the Lord’s way: To some, we say nothing. To others, we state with quiet dignity who we are, what we believe, and why we believe. We stand confident in our faith in God, trusting that He will uphold us in our trials.

"Let us emulate the gentle Christ. And we do that through learning to love God and reaching out to bless others. Yes, there will still be conflict. But our all-powerful Father in Heaven has promised that He will fight our battles for us."

- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, "Five Messages That All of God’s Children Need to Hear," 17 Aug 2021,

As adapted in BYU Magazine, Winter 2022 issue,

The Lord purposely chooses the humble and "not good enough"

"You say you’re not perfect? You’re not good enough? Well, welcome to the club! You may be just the person God is looking for.


The Lord chooses the humble and meek—partly because they are humble and meek. In this way, there is never a question regarding the reason for their success. These wonderful, ordinary people accomplish great things not because of who they are but because of who God is!

For “what is impossible with man is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27, NIV)


God does not need people who are flawless. He seeks those who will offer their “heart and a willing mind,” (D&C 64:34) and He will make them “perfect in Christ" (Moroni 10:32-33)."

- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, "Five Messages That All of God’s Children Need to Hear," 17 Aug 2021,